Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Here is my update...JUST FOR MY DAD...LOVE YOU!!!!!

Wow! So long since I have been writing on my blog.

Today is November 24,2009...

No classes until Monday... I have a good vacation coming up this weekend...I do not know what to do...

This past Saturday, I went ICE SKATING!!!!!!! It was amazing...did not fall one single time, and I have not been ice skating since about eight years ago...I had so much fun...was by myself half the night, but I got a lot of thinking done!

The Bus ministry in doing great...Love being on the bus and talking to all the kids, and see what they do for fun...the last four Saturdays, I have played soccer with my bus kids...I had so much fun!!!.. What is really amazing , they gave me the nickname....Miss. Bubble Gum lady...and you can probably tell me why they can me that nickname... :)

So .. I have this week, then one week of school, then finals, I will be home... I leave the 11th 0f December and I go back to college the 19th of January... This is going to be a wonderful vacation..I can't wait to see my family and friends...See Little Connor, Garret, Caleb, Katie Faye, and Dax....

It is amazing when I call home and here Connor's voice and talk to him...It is so cute...
I love it when I talk to my parents...my friends..or even a text from them...

I am Thankful for what the Lord has done for me since I gotten here..Thankful for my Salvation, Life, Jesus Christ, My Pastor and His family, the friends I have meet here at GSBC and the friends back home, Thankful for the Word of God, thankful for the job I have, for my car, and for this college...I can go on forever...

Here is a challenge for you readers...have you done what you are thankful...make a list..anything that you are thankful for, out it on the list....

Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving....See everyone at Christmas...
Love you all...


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